Jacks got really itchy eczema on his face - it itches most along his eyebrows. I guess its no surprise he has it, as I had exzema as a boy until I was about 18 to 20, but I hardly get it at all now. But can we treat it?? It's definitely very itchy for him and irratating especially when he gets tired.
There is some useful advice I've found from this
article and this one on the ABC of
eczema. But he is off to the Dr next Tuesday, so we'll see what they think he should use and whether there's something that can be prescribed..... Olive oil doesn't seem to be doing the trick at the moment.
Now is Jack sucking his thumb already?? Not sure whether its the thumb or thumb and fingers yet, but he is definitely self-soothing and we hardly ever give him a dummy now at all.