Saturday, 21 April 2007

Baby swimming today

jack mar 17 004 Week four today - let's hope that Jack will start to enjoy it more. No dunking this week, to see if that helps!!

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Jack's first taste of baby food

Jack's first taste of baby foodJack's just started to have some baby food and his first taste of solids. He's now coming up to 20-weeks-old and his loving it so far... particularly baby custard. Seems like he might have a sweet tooth like his mummy!!

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Jack with his cousins Josh and Sam

Jack, Josh and SamWe had a lovely Easter weekend away with our families in Norfolk... Thanks to Marie for sending the pics as I forgot our digital camera. Also apologies for the lack of posts, just been a bit hectic changing jobs at work...

Should have some more baby swimming pics later today as we go to Jack's third session - let's hope he enjoys it more this week. He's also started having some baby food... which is really exciting.

Sunday, 1 April 2007

Jack's first picnic on Sunday in Battersea Park

Jack's first picnic I think this is a gorgeous pic of Charlie and Jack on our first picnic today (1 April). It was a gorgeous spring afternoon and we had a lot of fun chillin' out in the park and stuffing our faces at the same time... Jack is still on the same menu, so his food was still the same as ever... but he seemed to enjoy himself.