Just when we were getting at the end of our emotional tether last night, our little baby Jack actually had a reasonable night's sleep last night allowing his very tired parents to recover a little.
One thing that has been playing on our mind has been his belly button - while the navel cord clip has thankfully dropped off causing great celebration in the Garner household three days ago - where it has fallen off looks a little bit sore and is slightly pussy. The midwife told us over the phone that this was ok and that we should just keep it clean by washing it once a day with water that has been boiled. Anyway we still not happy with it, so hopefully the health visitor will be able to explain more, but as we haven't seen or heard anything from them yet, I will not be holding my breath on that one.
So hopefully I'll get a few tips about his belly button problem and post them here. At least the horrible navel clip has fallen off as this was causing Jack some discomfort with his nappies that had to be folded down so far so that they didn't rub on the clip. This also seemed to make them more prone to leak.
It's my first day back at work today. I felt a mixture of sadness leaving home today, but also strangely excited about a return to some sort of normailty.
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