Thursday 28 December 2006

Taking the baby outside is great for his snuffle

Papa, Charlie and Jack
Originally uploaded by joel72.
It's been great this Christmas for a first-time dad with an urge to take digital pictures... but we have got some great images all stored on Flickr, so everyone can see them.

We weighed Jack today and he is now over 9lbs - he is growing pretty fast and he seems more robust than before.

What's also been great over the Christmas break has been to have the time to take Jack out for some walks in the fresh air. He still gets a bit blocked up, particularly in the evening, so getting him outside for some fresh air really seems to help unblock him a bit. Here we are going for a walk with Charlie and Jack in the Baby Bjorn - these are brilliant and well worth buying - and Charlie's dad, Dennis.

We now wish we had travelled to Norfolk with the Baby Bjorn and not lugged the pram back as well - it's so easy to use and really great for the little one as they just seem to snuggle up to your chest and sleep.

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